Fairer Future Appeal

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$150,629 raised

$150,629 raised

The actions we take today have the power to reshape the world of tomorrow.

Right now, Australian laws are perpetuating discrimination against people and communities, causing climate harm and driving the cost-of-living crisis. But it doesn't need to be this way. Together, we can build a more just future for all.

Make a tax-deductible donation now to fuel human rights progress.

Strategic legal action

Working with communities and armed with pro bono support from Australia's top law firms, we take strategic legal action to address major human rights problems.

Multiple areas of impact

With one donation you can support eight areas of impact. From migration rights to climate justice - we work on multiple human rights issues to build a more just society.

Advocacy for change

Your donation helps fuel our advocacy in the media and with decision makers calling for more just laws and policies to advance human rights.

We can build a fairer future

A tax-deductible donation to the Human Rights Law Centre powers work on Australia's systemic human rights issues including:

  • Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples' rights
  • Migration justice
  • Campaign for a national Human Rights Act
  • Democratic freedoms
  • Corporate accountability
  • Climate justice
  • Reproductive rights
  • Dignity for people in prison
Donate Human Rights Law Centre Fairer Future

Making a donation by bank transfer

You can make a donation by bank transfer using the details below. Please use your name or organisation name as a reference.
If you make a donation by bank transfer, please email grants@hrlc.org.au to let us know so we can send you a tax receipt.

Account Name: Human Rights Law Centre
BSB: 083004
Account Number: 251167921

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